English activity 2: Find an advert and work on it

1.- Find an advert (it could be on TV, on the radio, in a magazine or a billboard).

2.- Upload the photo or the video (if you need help, ask your teacher!)

3.- How do they try to persuade you to buy the product? Choose 3 of the items below and comment on them:

  • pictures
  • words
  • music
  • questions
  • jokes
  • catchphrases
  • jingles
  • other (please, specify)

4.- Copy and answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think it is a good advert?
  2. Would you buy the product? Why? Why not?
  3. Do you think the advert is honest? Why? Why not?
  4. What words do they use to sell the product?

5.- Copy and fill in this small form:

Type of product:
Target audience:

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